Little Angels Childcare Creche Playschool Athenry Galway long   facebook

Caheroyan, Athenry, Co.Galway

Tel: 091 875891

Mob: 085 8622239

Meal times

 If parents/guardians send in birthday cakes, they must be shop bought as the packaging will contain allergen information that can be provided to parents/guardians. 

Children are always supervised when eating and drinking snacks or meals

  • All children on the ECCE Scheme need to bring in 1 snack.
  • All Part time children will need 2 snacks.
  • Some children are allergic to peanuts/nuts. We request that parents/guardians do not include these in their child’s snack.
  • We do not allow fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate, crisps, nuts or nut spreads.
  • Drinking water and small snacks are available throughout the day.

Meal times are used as an opportunity to encourage good social habits.

  • Whenever possible children and adults eat together.
  • Good table manners will be encouraged
  • Children will also be engaged in conversation if they wish
  • Children that are slow eaters will be given time to eat and not rushed
  • Children will be encouraged to sit down when eating and/or drinking.
  • Mealtime should be engaged with in a positive way with the children.
  • Staff must not use any negative association with food at any time with the children.
  • Children will be encouraged to help tidy up after snack time.

Healthy eating is promoted through an arrangement of activities for the children including play, stories, music, outings, cookery etc.