The following list of Policies & Procedures are available to all parents in the creche and on request
- Statement of Purpose and Function
- Admissions and Enrolment
- Children’s Charter
- Collections and Arrivals
- Fees Policy
- Range of Childcare Services
- Settling In
- Staff Ratios
- Car Parking
- Comments and Complaints
- Confidentiality
- Partnership with Parents/Guardians
- Data Protection
- Fundraising
- Record Keeping
- Child and Adult Protection Policy and Procedure
- Child Development
- Child Observations and Assessment
- Code of Ethics – Working with Children
- Curriculum
- Equality and Diversity
- Inclusion of Children with Additional Needs
- Interaction and Communication
- Key Worker Policy
- Internet and Multimedia
- Outdoor Play
- Outings
- Supporting Positive Behaviour
- Supervision of Children – Indoors and Outdoors
- Transitions
- Risk Management Policy
- Accidents and Incidents
- Camera and Recording Devices
- Cleanliness and Hygiene
- Critical Incident and Evacuation Plan
- Dress Code
- Environmental Care and Recycling
- Fire Safety
- First Aid
- Food Hygiene
- Health and Safety
- Healthy Eating
- Illness and Exclusions
- Infection Control
- Hand Washing and Nose Blowing
- Intimate and Personal Care
- Manual Handling
- Medicines
- Missing Child
- Nappy Changing
- Pest Control
- Safety and Security
- Sun Safety
- Toileting
- Rest
- Absence Cover
- Employee Infection Control
- Garda Vetting
- Recruitment and Selection Policy
- Employee Training/Qualifications and CPD
- Students and Volunteers
- Supervision and Appraisal Policy